Monday, September 14, 2009

The Secret

I can be a jerk. I know this. There is not a day that goes by, and rarely an hour, where I am not critisizing someone for something. My wife thinks I am a crotchety old man. My extended family even has a nickname for me. I'm known as the "jackass". My sister-in-law went so far as to buy me pajama bottoms that say jackass on them.

The way I see it is either you live in the world truely or you are deceiving yourself. When I was fat and out of shape, I knew I was fat and out of shape. I didn't claim that I liked it (big is beautiful) nor did I blame some other thing for my problem. I knew where the problem began and ended. It was me and my appetite.

So, when I see things in the world that are purposely deceptive, I tend to get angry. And, when I get angry, I can be a jackass.

Over this past weekend, Steph and I spent some time in Ocean City, MD. While we were there, I saw someone walking around with that book called The Secret. I remember when this book came out a few years ago as some of my friends and family read this thing and then claimed to know the secret to success and happiness.

On the road trip back home yesterday, I began to think about that book and what it stands for.

According to Wikipedia, proponents of the Law of Attraction (as described in the book) believe that:

"thoughts have an energy which attracts whatever it is the person is thinking of. Thinking of what one does not have, they say, manifests itself in not having, while if one abides by these principles, and avoids "negative" thoughts, the universe will manifest a person's desire."

Really? Thoughts have energy? Anyone read a physics book? The universe will manifest our desire if we simply have positive thoughts? Give me a freakin' break.

I remember someone close to me actually writing a check to her future self for a million bucks because if she believed that she would have the money to cover the check, the money would magically appear and allow her to cash the check.

No. That doesn't happen. It never has happened. People are successful (however they define that term), because they take action. They don't believe. They do. I'll concede that having a vision or goal of where you want to be is important. Vitally so. But it means nothing if you don't do anything to realize it. The universe gives a rat's ass for you. It doesn't care about what you're thinking and will not manifest your desires. Your thoughts do not attract anything.

I would not be an endurance athlete if I only thought I could be one. If I didn't get out and swim, bike, and run it wouldn't happen. Again, I believe wholly in setting goals. But, just setting them, does nothing. In fact, setting goals and then repeatedly not reaching them is probably more unhealthy for you than not setting them to begin with.

So, how do you become successful?

Like Aristotle said, 'We are what we repeatedly do.'

Want be a runner? Go be one. Walk out your door and run. You will feel like crap and it'll hurt, but you are moving towards your goal. Want to be swimmer? Go swim. Want to make a million bucks. Go make a million bucks.

Each of us has talent. Each of us is blessed to be good at something (I am killer at WoW). Whatever it is that you want to do well, go do it. Stop thinking about it. Stop telling yourself that some externality (like energized thoughts) will enable you to be successful. There is only one thing that can make you a success: You!




OK, so I'm going to pick on you for a minute, because on your FB you posted about people who say "I can" or "I can't." How is that so different from "avoids "negative" thoughts?" If you tell yourself "you can't" that's a negative thought. If you avoid that thought, and the resulting negative self-perception, you are more likely to go out and try something.

However, I think The Secret is crap. I'm with you there. It's just a dumbing down and repackaging of some old pop psych.


Ecellent point...I actually had a whole paragraph on that but I took it out as the post was getting long.

So here goes:

Goals and planning are good. Having positive thoughts are good. But just having those thoughts and never executing are bad. You can't separate the two. which is the point I was trying to make. The Law of Attraction separates the two (assuming you believe in the first part).

I agree with the Secret in that you should avoid negative thoughts. But thinking that only thinking is the key to success is wrong. Doing is required.


Love this post. Well said.

Jason Thomas

Got a question for you! My name is Jason Thomas and found out you have the Jason Thomas username on Twitter. Since you aren't really updating it, haven't since I started following you, would you be opening to closing it so I can? I understand if you feel like you need to have it, but if not I'd love to be able to use it!
My twitter is: pjasonthomas
facebook Jason Thomas

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