Wednesday, April 08, 2009

And how much do I love my bike?

Let me count the ways:

  1. It's black. Black as night. I like my bikes like I like
  2. It weighs less than my dog. Our dog weighs 22 pounds. My bike weighs about 16. I can lift it over my head with one hand.
  3. I literally feel like I'm running when I'm pedaling. It sounds weird, but it's true.
  4. I got some really great shoes to go with it. Sidi if you are interested.
  5. It's is all DA hardware. Rockin!!!
  6. The wheels are ultegra, which I'm not entirely enthused about, but still pretty cool.
  7. I am going to try and get professionally fit this weekend. I'm visiting VA as my dad is having surgery on Friday. I have a 40 miler planned and then a fitting (hopefully) the day after his surgery.
  8. My first real ride was last Sunday. I got burnt to a crisp as the sun was really out and I didn't wear any sunscreen. It was totally worth it :)
  9. I am so obsessed with it, that I haven't removed it from my Element in the event I can go for a ride whenever the mood strikes.
  10. I love it!!!!
Tmw is 5 mile run and Sat. 40 mile bike.


To donate to the Carolyn E. Miller Steps for Solace Fund, please click here. I am raising $25 thousand to provide comfort and solace to cancer patients seeking treatment.



I love your new bike too. Can I be your bikes new mistress?!?

Where is VA does your daddy live?


Glad you found a nice fit in your bike. Hope your dad's surgery goes well.

Andrew is getting fit

I love my bike so much that I don't use it in case it gets dirty. :)


I love this post. I also giggled at the "I was going to do a a 40 mile ride, and then just did 20" in the next post. You slacker!

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