Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Tour De France

I can't tell you how excited I get when it is Tour time. I love to watch it. It is amazing what the competitors put themselves through. 2200 miles in 26 days. It is humbling to see the effort and focus these guys put into racing.

But, this year, it has been a nightmare for me to tune it in. We don't have Versus on our cable package. Versus is the only television broadcaster of the Tour. And, I don't think there is any other way to watch. I can pay to watch it online, but 25 bucks? Nope.

So, I am left to look at the standings and watch the videos put up after the stages. It sucks.

However, I am happy at the standings. Contador is 2nd; Lance is 3rd. Team Astana holds 4 of the top 5 spots after 10 stages. I couldn't be happier. Most people either love or hate Lance. I love him. I think anyone who goes through what he's gone through gets to be as arrogant as they want. Maybe I'm wrong, but what the hell? You get diagnosed with cancer. Have multiple surgeries, including brain surgery. Then you come back and win the most grueling endurance cycling event there is. 7 times. You freakin' rock in my book.

On top of that, he establishes a foundation that raises gobs of money to help fight cancer. How many of you wear yellow bracelets?

All of this leads me to my real point. I admire folks who push themselves through adversity. For some of us, that adversity is riding a bike 100 miles a day, running a marathon or a 10k or swimming a few laps in the pool. For others, it is simply the act of going out for a walk or turning down that dessert. The bottom line is that whatever your adversity is, you had better meet it head on. On your feet. No compromises. We get one chance at the life we lead on earth.

Are you going to be remembered as a quitter?

1 mile swim followed by 25 mile bike today. Tmw is 6 mile run and swim.



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