Friday, July 18, 2008

The Connoisseur of Spider Webs

I ran 7 miles this morning. I love early morning runs in good weather. It is so peaceful and calm. There is no one on the trail but me. It's great.

Today's run, however, was neither peaceful nor calm :)

Over the past few mornings, I've developed the habit of running into every spiderweb on the trail. And I don't mean just brushing by. I mean full-on, web-swallowing, spider-almost-biting-me, crashes. I don't know if you know this or not, but not all spiderwebs taste the same. In fact, I pick up some extra protein every once in a while. I mean, who needs breakfast. So long recovery drink. Spiderwebs provide all the nutrition I need in order to recover from those hard runs. Yeck!!!!!

Ohh, and as I recover from ingesting said webs, I tend to prance and jump around like an idiot. Because, I mean, who really likes to swallow spiders.

Which leads me to the next part of my story.......

As I was convulsing and high-stepping like a frightened little girl, I came upon some construction workers who decided this morning that they were going to pave a part of our trail. They thought I was out of my mind. In fact, I'm pretty sure they thought I was some deranged lunatic who happened to be dressed like a runner. You should have seen their faces. It was priceless. I waved and acted like nothing was wrong. Meanwhile, I could feel 8 tiny legs inching their way down the back of my throat. It's amazing what suffering a little embarrassment will make you do.

Tomorrow I run 14. I'm not sure how many Steph is doing. Next week is the same as this week except I up my long run to 15 miles (4-7-4-7-15) for a total of 37 miles.


To donate to the Carolyn E. Miller Steps for Solace Fund, please click here. I am raising $25 thousand to provide comfort and solace to cancer patients seeking treatment.


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