Thursday, June 26, 2008

Take it and run Thursday

Today's theme over at Runner's Lounge is "13 words or less: "You are runner...Finish the thought in 13 words or less".

Here's my go:

You are a runner...when you say you are.

As a runner, I've found that a lot of folks get caught up in defining if they truly are a runner or not. I say that if you think you are a runner, then you are. For some folks, it means they have to complete a race. For some, it means that have to run a certain pace. For others, it may be just getting out and moving your feet faster than a walk.

For me, it took running a marathon before I could call myself a runner. But, I'm a bit crazy. Whatever works for you is what I say.

In terms of my training, today, I swam a little over a mile. I was planning on a 25 mile bike, but the weather has not been cooperating, so I'll probably skip it today. Tomorrow is 5 mile run and swimming again. On Saturday, I'll do an 11 miler.

Oh, I forgot to mention that while I was on vacation, I did my first open water swim in the Atlantic ocean.


I wasn't really panicky, but it certainly was a new experience. I think my SCUBA training helped a lot. I've read that a lot of folks freak out when they swim in open water as they can't see the bottom. I'm not really worried about that and I think it's because, in SCUBA, sometimes you can't see anything around you. Especially when you SCUBA at night. The waves weren't that bad either. All in all, it was pretty fun.



Lauren @ mostly i run

I like that. I've been saying I'm a runner for a while now, but I'm really not sure when it clicked. I'm sure it was before I ran a marathon.

Now I'm struggling with calling myself an athlete. I'm not ready for that title yet. Maybe when I finish my first triathlon?

I haven't done any open-water swimming yet, but will have to sometime in the next two months!


Good one!


Very, very well said!

Ps...congrats on the swim training - it does come much faster than running.


Why are runners so hard on themselves?

And non-runners--those who really don't run--probably don't realize they could join the ranks of runners just by slipping on their shoes and getting out the door.

We really are a very inclusive, supportive group, except to ourselves.


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