Thursday, June 12, 2008

Take it and run Thursday

Today's theme over at Runner's Lounge is:

Finish this thought 'As you start your marathon (half-marathon) training, don't forget...'

So here's my advice. This is more for a marathon than a half.

Don't forget:

  1. To not injure yourself. An injury will cost you the chance of starting the race. The goal is to get to the start line. Once there, if you followed the training, you'll finish.
  2. Be flexible. If you don't allow yourself to mess with your training schedule a little (not a lot), you are not going to be mentally prepared for the race. Life comes up. You have to be willing to spend time not training. I speak from experience here. I have a hard time not going 100% full-tilt, to the detriment of my family and friends.
  3. Enjoy the training. Especially the long runs. There is something magical about the longer runs. It's just you and the trail. It's incredible.
  4. Do not run in the middle of the day. As the days get hotter, be sure to get your run in the morning or the evening.
  5. The end goal. Race day is like nothing you've ever experienced. Enjoy it. If you're like me, you'll get hooked and want to do it again.
That's about it. Have fun running :)

In terms of my training, I swam again today. I swam 500 yards straight and then I lost count of the laps, so I just started swimming for time. I swam a 15 minute stretch and then another 10 minute stretch. With my cooldown, I swam about 2000 yards.

Tomorrow, I 'll be swimming again and then Steph and I head out on vacation. So no posts next week. See you when we return.



Felice Devine

There is something magical about the long runs, isn't there? That is important to remember when you start out dreading them.

Thanks for the post!


Your five pieces of advice are spot on. I have found that while long runs can be challenging there really is something magical about them; well said.

Nice job on the swim. Have a wonderful vacation!!

David H.

I was just catching up on your posts and it looks like we missed each other in the Outer Banks by a day. Here's my short post about a great time there:

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