Monday, October 13, 2008

Last really long run and a question

On Saturday, I ran 12 miles. That is really the last long run until the marathon. This coming Saturday, I run 8 as my long run (which is really a medium run for me). Steph ran 8. I'm so proud of her as she was really sick last week and she got out and ran her long run.

Woohoo for her!!!

I have to say that I'm really glad that the training is coming to an end. This year, the training has seemed more tedious. I know I was anxious for it to be over with last year, but man, this year feels more drawn out. Actually, I know for a fact that it is. I'm not sure of the numbers, but I know I ran a lot more this year than last. So, I'm really glad that it is winding down. Although, give me a few weeks after the mary and I'll want to be out again. that's why I went on and scheduled the Richmond Half. I knew I would want to be running again :)

On a different note, Steph and I had a conversation yesterday about what I've been reading lately. If you know me, then you know that I read voraciously. I read all the time. Really, all....the....time. And, when I'm not reading, I'm listening to podcasts. So, I'm all about information intake :)

So, anyway, Steph and were talking about my reading. Usually, I like to read nonfiction. Most times I just can't suspend my disbelief enough for fiction. I'm constantly poking holes in the plot of the story. However, there has been one notable exception this year and its a book that I'm currently reading. It's called I Know This Much Is True by Wally Lamb.

In terms of nonfiction, I really like to read stories of heroism, courage, challenge, adversity, that kind of stuff. I also like "life-changing" books. Given my background (and what I teach), you can see why I like that kind of stuff. In the nonfiction department, I'm currently reading Warriors by Max Hastings. It's a great little book that covers the biographies of men and women who have displayed courage in battle. Each chapter is a brief bio of each person. It's pretty good.

Have you read any books like what I've mentioned? Recommendations?

This week is 4-5-4-3-8 for a total of 24 miles. I got 4 in today with Steph. She had off because of the holiday. Tomorrow, I'll do 5.

To donate to the Carolyn E. Miller Steps for Solace Fund, please click here. I am raising $25 thousand to provide comfort and solace to cancer patients seeking treatment.


Andrew is getting fit

You must be glad the marathon is almost here.

What do you teach?


Man, I haven't read a good book in a long time (well, anything that is outside of the running genre LOL)


I read I Know This Much Is True years ago... and really enjoyed it. This was after the whole "Oprah loves Wally Lamb" phase. I read lots of fiction, mainly because I like to escape from my work when I'm not working. Ha! Have you read "A Long Way Gone" by Ishmael Beah? I actually assign it in my International Organizations class (IOs dealing with former child soldiers comes up later in the book) and the guys in my class LOVED it.


Kiki, I just picked up that book literally last week :) Great minds think alike.


Way to sign up for the Richmond half!

I am usually a fiction reader. I love reading. Anyway, have you read 'They Marched Into Sunlight: War and Peace Vietnam and America October 1967' by Davis Maraniss? I thought it was a wonderful and informative book.

Frayed Laces

Love your blog name!

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