Friday, October 10, 2008

Running Man

A few nights ago, The Running Man was on TV. I'm sure your remember that horrid piece of cinema starring California's current Governor. I almost forgot how cheesy some 80s movies really are. I know I'm supposed to suspend my disbelief and all that, but really I have an easier time believing that Bert and Ernie are real than I do believing that Awnolde is a contestant in some whacko futuristic gameshow.

Nonetheless, I sat through it. Why? Because it reminds me of my teenage years. And, it keeps my mind off the freakin' market. Ugh!!!!

Got 4 miles in today. 12 tomorrow.

To donate to the Carolyn E. Miller Steps for Solace Fund, please click here. I am raising $25 thousand to provide comfort and solace to cancer patients seeking treatment.


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