Friday, October 24, 2008

Last run and post before the marathon

I am starting a new project related to my endurance training at this marathon. I'm going to create a podcast. That's right, a podcast.

I'll capture the event not only from my perspective but also from the perspective of other runners at the event. I intend to interview a few people (including my wife), give you some info as I run the marathon (hopefully), capture the feeling of post-race, and then post it up on Itunes. We'll see how it goes. I may not be able to capture much audio while I'm running as I have a goal of a specific time, and if I have to make a choice, the time comes first :)

After the marathon, I intend to keep the podcast current. Probably once a week I'll create a new episode. The goal is to have a podcast that focuses on those things important to runners and triathletes: nutrition, training, gear, etc. It will involve a ton of interviews with experts, doctors, professional athletes, name it. I've got a couple of interviews already lined up for the podcasts after the marathon. I'm so excited. I hope you'll listen :)

Now on to the important stuff:

I completed my last training run today. It was a brief two miles. Over the past 5 months, I have run 717 miles in preparation for the Marine Corp Marathon on Sunday. My legs are strong, my mind is set, my wife is with me...I am ready.

As always, when I do a long race, I think back on why I run. I contemplate the reasons for competing in long-distance events. I consider the pain and struggle that enable me to arrive at the start line. I reflect about my mother and her death. And, I imagine the frustration and annoyance those close to me experience because of my obsession.

No runner runs alone. We all carry with us the sacrifice of those around us, our families and friends who help us along the way. Every mile we endure is built on the adversity faced by those who came before us. Each step we take is done for a purpose, a reason, a mission. Occasionally, those reasons are selfish. Most times, the incentive to continue resonates within us as a belief in something bigger than ourselves.

On Sunday, I will run 26.2 miles in honor of those who suffer from cancer. Most of you who read this blog have seen the link below each one of my posts about the Carolyn Miller Steps for Solace Fund. That endowment is named after my mother who lost her battle to cancer two years ago this month. If you can, I would ask that you consider giving. If you can't give, a prayer or two for those people undergoing treatment would be especially helpful.

Thanks :)

To donate to the Carolyn E. Miller Steps for Solace Fund, please click here. I am raising $25 thousand to provide comfort and solace to cancer patients seeking treatment.



GOOD LUCK this weekend!! ;D ;D

David H.

Have a great run. Luck is not involved. I know that your training and your motivation will get you through to the end. I do wish you luck, though, on having great weather. Hope the rain stays away!

Andrew is getting fit

Look forward to listening to your podcast. Have a great run.


Have a fabulous race!

I look forward to the favorites for long runs!

David H.

Just looked up your race time -- looks like you shaved 20 minutes off your Richmond Marathon time from last year -- that's awesome. Looking forward to your race report.


Awesome post! Can't wait for the podcast!!!

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